This Site Is Implemented For Like Minded Individuals Who Enjoy Gifting Programs.


14 Eagles is a Platform that provides like-minded people from all walks of life the opportunity to help one another.

14 Eagles is not a business, it’s not a corporation, it’s not a network marketing organization; rather, it’s a private, invitation-only, global community of people who believe in the principle that by helping others in that process, we help ourselves; that’s the premise of 14 Eagles- as we give so shall we receive.

14 Eagles commonly uses a unique, online-gifting platform that allows members to come together for mutual interest, commitment and prosperity.14 Eagles has taken a concept that is actually thousands of years old (Giving, Sharing and Accepting) and merged it with modern-day technology to create a virtual community. A community that has developed its own economy of peer-to-peer giving and sharing which provides economic stability to become self-sufficient and self-sustaining.

The 14 Eagles Community is a bridge used to move people from a debt-based system formed on selling, buying and taking to a collaborative-based system formed on giving, sharing and accepting.

This virtual Community creates a paradigm shift in consciousness that inspires people to work together and garners love and harmony on a whole new spiritual level.

There is a Universal Law (GOD’S Law): whatever you give out into the Universe, you will get back in abundance.

If you are someone who has a heart for giving and genuinely likes helping people, then get with the individual who referred you to the 14 Eagles Community and let them know you want to be a part of this growing movement to change the world into the place it was meant to be.

To register for the 14 Eagles Community is free, but to send and receive gifts through the platform, you will need to get a Cash App and OG Pay Account. Get with the member who invited you to walk through that process.



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